where have I been

Where have I been you may well ask since its been three months or more since a blog post?
I've been guilty of ignoring my blog and concentrating more on facebook etc to give people updates of our comings and goings....so sorry!
Yes we are still here, so are the cows!
We've been renovating, calving and doing farm stuff and things are "almost" back to normal - as will hopefully be regular blog posts!


Vickie said…
good to see you are still around..I admit I am guilty of being on FB more often then blogging,cheers Vickei
Vickie said…
good too see you are still around..I am guilty of staying too long in FB land..cheers Vickie
Lynne said…
Welcome back to Blogland. I don't do FB because I spend too much time on my iPad as it is!

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