7 years!

Today is mine and Gary's 7th wedding anniversary - I cant believe how the time has gone!
During that 7 years a lot has happened - new dairy, drought, flood and some health issues for both of us.  Three grandchildren born and the farm growing and sometimes flourishing under our management.
I feel truly blessed to be married to such a wonderful man, he is truly encouraging of all I do.  This photo was actually taken the day we got married, and he hardly looks any different at all!

As for my recovery - Ive been going walking every day - now have it up to 15 minutes and a pretty good pace, and its nice I have two dogs to keep me company. Molly is full of life and runs here and there, whilst Bronte just plods along.  At the moment I feel more like Bronte but hopefully soon I will have some of Mollys energy!

I've also been trying to adjust to not being quite able to do all that I usually do - and one of the things I CANT do at the moment is housework, so we have employed a lady to come and clean.  She came today and did a fabulous job, even got rid of most of the spiderwebs, so while she was cleaning I worked on this embroidery that I started a little while a long time ago. I'm finding that quite relaxing and a something a bit different to all the knitting I've been doing of late.

So all in all life is good - if a little slow!


Diane-crewe said…
congratulations xx A day at a time and your energy levels will build up so that you will be (think about) running xx lol x
Lynne said…
Happy anniversary. Glad to hear the recovery is moving forward, slowly but surely.
Your "h" surgery and recuperation aside, you sound very happy, and leading an idyllic life. We have a dog and I can only imagine how wonderful it would be for him to have an unleashed free run. Living in a busy city with leash laws, he hasn't had a free run in more than a year, poor guy. A 15 minute brisk walk, across your own land, with dogs running free, sounds simply wonderful. I'm sure you appreciate your blessings.

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