making good use of my chair

I've been making good use of my new chair.  Its in the outdoor area, near our back door and with a wooden box we have as a "coffee table" I'm all set up - todays effort is posie-moebius (ravelry link) which I am knitting due to a group I'm in on ravelry.  You put up some yarn that you have that you dont quite know what to knit with it and suggestions are made for you - and then its on to the one whose choice you went with to choose next (hope that makes sense!).
As you can see ipad and cuppa are also nice and handy, so I can listen to an audio book (currently Eye of the World by Robert Jordan) and sip, relax and knit away!


Lynne said…
Sounds like a fun group to be part of!and that möbius looks great too!

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