busy times

You probably all think Ive gone missing - I havent just been super busy
Spent two full/busy/mind blowing days in bendigo learning all about the new committee that I have been appointed on the North central catchment management authority's natural resource management committee (a bit of a mouthful!!!!)
Here's the blurb about it from their website -
The Natural Resource Management Committee (NRMC) is a sub-committee of the North Central Catchment Management Authority (CMA) Board. The NRMC advises the Board about environmental investment priorities in the region with a primary emphasis on protecting the region's rivers. In November 2007, the North Central CMA continued the development of its advisory committee structure by launching the new Natural Resource Management Committee, which is an evolution from our previous Implementation Committee structure. The key role of the NRMC is to provide community and local perspectives on the projects and functions of our organisation that have direct public benefits for current and future generations.
Sounds daunting but I think it will be great!
Didnt like spending a night alone in a motel room though! BUT...for all you knitters out their you will be proud - I did manage some sock knitting time!
Now Im home - after getting home quite late wednesday, meeting at the school on thursday am and night, work yesterday etc etc and the usual home stuff - Im pooped!
Think a nanna nap and a restful day are in order - thats after I mow the lawns!


Lynne said…
Oh my! That sounds daunting! Glad you got some knitting time in all that busy-ness.

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