busy times

As this is my birthday month I had grand plans of posting on my blog each day - but of course best laid plans.......
Here on the farm we have been really struggling.  Our feed for the cattle has not grown as we expected and Gary has been quite down about it.  Its been hard to work out what to do - but finally we ARE doing something.  Two paddocks behind the dairy that we laughingly call the "show paddock" (mainly as they are so terrible!) have been disced and lasered and hopefully will have seed (rye grass) spread on them today.
So if you are one of the many that pray for us - please continue to do so - we really need this grass to grow - we dont want to sell up or move away and believe we are meant to be here.
On another note - Ive managed to get the next round done on the friendship medallion quilt - here it is


Julie said…
I'll keep you and your grass in my thoughts,not sure how that will help, but ya never know. Love your quilt, looks fabulous! So too wil your grass, I'm sure!
Banaghaisge said…
I blame Dorothea MacKellar with her 'droughts and flooding rains'...
This month DSE (Dept of Sparks and Embers) are going to burn all the bush fromt he highway to my back "fence", nearly 500 ha of it all. Poor little echidnas and orchids.
I hope you get some more rain, just enough, and then lovely sunny days to make your grass grow into yummy silage. XXXX
Lynne said…
Prayers being offered for you - may you always know what is right for you!

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