a sock fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a knitter reasonably new knitter who could knit shawls and jumpers but had never knitted socks.....so.....she joined a group on ravelry where someone would knit an item for you and you paid them in yarn for their trouble.....so.....said knitter asked for these socks called monkey to be made for her by drbones.  Arent they fabulous.

A strange thing happened though.  As the knitter trying to stretch herself knitter watched via email the progress of these socks she thought to herself - I think I can do that!!! So what happened....

She did this, which resulted in this

And now she is making this!!
So in the tradition of all good fairy tales - have a go, you never know what great things can happen for those who actually have a go and a try and who progress from being a beginner knitter to a sock knitter~!


Leonie said…
You are on a roll! They're addictive aren't they?
scraphappy said…
What great socks. I'm watching all the knitting with interest, but have never knitted anything more complicated than a scarf. Also, I don't know if I could put something on my feet that took so long to make.

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