friday night sew in

Thanks to the lovely Vikki Im joining in the friday night sew in this friday night
Want to join me???
Here are the "rules".
1. Enter your blog info at heidi's site

2. Make a post on your blog - letting all your readers know about the sew-in. Spread the word.. we could all use the virtual sewing support and encouragement.

3. On Friday – 02/19/10 - Get your house settled, put on your comfy jammies.. maybe make a cup of tea.. and sit down to work on some of those projects (or anything else that you want to work on).

4. Then, sometime on Saturday - Make a post about what you worked on.. show us a picture or two.

5. Optional.. grab the "Friday Night Sew-In" Button on the right for your own blog!


Jandi said…
I hope you FNS was a success!

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