confessions of a proper quilter

Good morning to all you quilters out there- I have a confession to make and Im sure you will all understand.
Regular readers of my blog will know that I am trying Really Hard to finish off my ufo's that I have - and there are many. This was the result of cleaning up my sewing area (as you do on a very irregular basis) and finding said ufos. Yes I have finished several and am quite pleased and have not bought any other fabric etc....BUT....that little voice was saying buy me buy me and another one was saying make me make me.
I was strong - but not strong enough - the result - a friend was selling off some of her stash and I couldnt help it I bought this -

and have started making this -

but the joy of making something so easy and from great directions is fabulous. Most of what I have been making/creating of late has been complex so this is a joy!!!


Lindi said…
Couldn't blame you for that little detour! :)
Nice quilt. Start it now, then put it away over Christmas and New Year. Then in Feb, pull it out and finish it as a UFO so you can post about it on Get It Done Challenge Blog. (Which u obviously haven't read lately, have u?)
Julie said…
Way to go Di, No quilter is truly complete until a layer cake has passed through your fingers! Love the design, can't wait to see your version.
Banaghaisge said…
WONDERFUL!!!!!!! Post a progress pic to inspire u (me actually!).
And I do LOVE your new scrapbooking look, much better than the previous darker background!


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