friday flaunt - a day late

Here's my friday "flaunt" = what Ive done this week - ok so its Saturday but I work on Friday so can I please be forgiven?
Ive managed to catch up on my local patchwork groups BOM (block of the month) each month we are given instructions on what block has to be done for the month - was I up to date? Of course not but now I am!!!
All I need to do is Septembers block - which I only received last Monday and have til next month to be done - quilt top looks pretty good so far I reckon but then you cant really go wrong with 1930's can you?


Julie said…
Welcome to the 'Friday Flaunters' lovely to have you join us! There is something so fresh and clean about the 1930's fabrics I can't help but smile when I see them used. Lovely work Di!

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