leaving on a jet plane

Where did July go???
Sorry for the lack of posts - BUT I do have an excuse....today Gary and I are heading off overseas on a missions trip with our church - we are going to Thailand and Cambodia - 4 days in Phuket, Thailand at a conference then we fly to Cambodia for 6 days - here's our itinerary - see you when we get back
Sunday August 2, 2009
11.30pm Depart from Melbourne to Bangkok
Monday August 3, 2009
6.00am Arrive Bangkok
9.20am Depart Bangkok to Thailand
10.40am Arrive Phuket Thailand
6.00pm Gala Buffet Dinner
Tuesday to Thursday August 4 -6, 2009
9.00am main session
10.30 morning tea (provided)
11 Main session
12.30 lunch
2.00 elective
7.00 main session
Friday August 7, 2009
1.05pm Depart from Phuket to Bangkok
2.30pm Arrive Bangkok
6.10pm Depart Bangkok to Cambodia
7.25pm Arrive Cambodia
Saturday August 8,2009
Morning:2+ hour drive to Kompong Cham
Afternoon and Evening:Kriek district baptism in the Holy Spirit retreat

Sunday August 9,2009
Morning:1 hour drive to Kriek and preach at the Kriek church
Afternoon: Split up and minister to 2 small house churches in Kriek district
Late afternoon/evening:drive back to Phnom Penh (3+ hours)
Monday August 10,2009
Visit the Killing fields and Genocide museum
Markets and Phnom Penh sights
Tuesday August 11, 2009
Take a bus load of orphanage kids to the zoo (day trip)
Wednesday August 12, 2009
Afternoon: Leaders meeting in Baset village (1 hour from Phnom Penh)
Thursday August 13, 2009
Daytime – possibility of English classes
8.25pm Depart Cambodia to Bangkok
9.30pm Arrive Bangkok
Friday August 14, 2009
12.15am Depart Bangkok to Melbourne
12.05pm Arrive Melbourne
All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:16-20 (NIV)


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