latest quilting progress

As the hot weather is starting to arrive (well it is summer) Ive been inside a bit more -and also its school holidays so not quite so much driving around.
Ive been doing a few dear jane blocks - filling in some gaps so I can join "bits" together - feels like I am getting somewhere. This photo is the top left section of the quilt

The second picture is for a class I am doing at Quilt University - an online quilting class...Hawaiian Applique. So far just basted onto background fabric, but so far so good


Gabriele said…
Congratulations on your Dear Jane progress. Your blocks look great!

You'll love the Hawaiian applique class. Nancy is a wonderful teacher and I've had the pleasure of meeting her in person. You'll be very happy with your finished Ulu pattern.
I'll be teaching a Hawaiian class in Sun City, AZ tomorrow.

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