yes Im still alive

Yes Im still alive- just no time to blog (does that sound familiar to lots of you).
Each new month I have good intention of posting heaps but I always manage to not do it.
Anyways we have been really busy here on the farm - it is calving season so cows and calves everywhere but still no rain (well the odd shower or two but nothing exciting). Please keep praying for it for us and the others on the land.
What have I been doing quilt wise?
Well I took an online class at quiltuniversity on handpiecing as it is something Ive been avoiding - and it has been excellent so far.
Here is the table runner I hand pieced (and hand quited I might add!) The only part done by machine is the binding. Looks pretty good I reckon - what do you think?


Julie said…
Looks wonderful Di! Good to hear you are still 'alive' doing rain dances - hope it helps! Ooops I've thrown out a hip.....better sit down!
Auntie Jappa said…
Hooray!!! Nice table runner, well done.
Lissa Jane said…
good to hear from ya Nanna Blessed.. I have been a slacker blogger too.. your runner looks great! I love hand piecing very precise and much easier to cart around then a sewing machine!

Di said…
Hi Di, I've tagged you! Maybe this will help you get back to blogging :-) Have a look at the rules -
Anonymous said…
Hi Di

Just to let you know you have won my give-away and please send me your adresse so I can send it to you.

Anonymous said…
Hi Di

Just to let you know you have won my give-away and please send me your adresse so I can send it to you.

Anonymous said…
Hi Di

Congratulations you have won my give-away please email me with details to send the parcel.


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