deb photos....or long time no blog...or ok Ill post a blog entry then!!!!!!!!!!

OK...OK I'll confess I havent blogged for ages....why you ask???? The puter is too slow to load photos (I am on hay band as opposed to broadband) PLUS I havent been well and ..........oh well to be honest I havent been finally (are you looking dear sister Cheryl?????????????) here are the lovely photos of Sarah's and Tim's deb - fabulous time was had by all and Sarah was gorgeous - and Timmy didnt look too shabby either!!!


Auntie Jappa said…
Dear MBGF,
Did you run that frock up in your spare time?
Sarah looks gorgeous!
Glad you blogged. And you could always come and visit me and load your pics here (did I tell you I have big fat juicy broadband not scrawny little hayband?).
Chez said…
About bloody time sister mine. She looks LOVELY!!!!
Cathy Smith said…
wooo! How do they grow up so fast?!!!

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