further to my last post....what Ive been doing

AND further to my last post....what Ive been doing whilst I am sposed to be doing nothing....I "prepared earlier" a few tops that I had which I managed to finish and quilt...so now all I have to do is the handsewing of the binding and putting the label on

This first one (which Megan has claimed) is Carolina Crossroads - made from a mystery quilt pattern from Bonnie
Instead of doing it scrappy like most did I only used three fabrics...but I do like how it turned out.
The next one here...

is called Bento Box and is a kit I got from Ballarat Patchwork and is a Judy Turner pattern. Quick easy and turned out great too!!!
So as you can see I havent been just sitting around waiting for the rain to come!!!


Lissa Jane said…
the quilts look great!!! I like your Controlled CC, I think if I ever made that quilt again (not likely) I'd be more controlled in my fabs..

Waiting for rain to come? I'll _()*#$%$(*& send you some of mine.. we have had about 20 days of sunshine this year, and this month? well its rained now for OVER 3 weeks! ARGH! Its actually P)#(%ing it down now.. I am over it. the kids are over it. the dog has kennel fever. the cat has cabin fever, and I am going nuts!
Phyl said…
I am glad u are on the mend. Your quilts are absolutely gorgeous!

Auntie Jappa said…
Lovely Bento Box, Blessed - that looks a bit stained glassish. Might have to whip one up for The Hottie for his next quilt (when I finish the last one...).
How do I put a photo next beside my comments me wonders.

Vickie said…
Wow I really like the way your CC quilt turned out I also only used 3 fabrics...whilst my end choice of fabrics are soo totally not me I am happy I pereservered and completed my CC,
cheers Vickie
Roslyn said…
Your CC turned out really different -unscrappy. I ended up really loving mine & it was very scrappy, all pinks, greens & creams of every variety but I gave it away, how many quilts can you use after all?.This OC mystery though, my blocks are funky but I'm trusting our fearless leader.
Roslyn said…
I like your bento box,it does looked stained glass-did you use batiks? I have patterns but have never done one yet,though I have made a couple similar in design. You asked about smaller OC's-I made two from the one mystery, one set straight one not. they are on my blog & in SB pics.didn't count the blocks!
Amanda Jean said…
your quilts are both gorgeous!

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