
Lynette Anderson is having a free BOM on her blog - http://www.lynetteandersondesigns.typepad.com/ (sorry still dont know how to do a spiffy link). Its called Noahs Ark and here is my first block "Rabbits" - pretty cute I reckon


Lissa Jane said…
g'day Nana

hey I can tell you how to do the spiffy link thing and I like your Noahs ark block, very cute! I did a second one, dunno what I am gonna do with it, but its cute!

Jeanne said…
Your bunnies look so cute! Did you stitch the other fabrics on before or after the stitchery was done?
Katherine said…
Very cute bunnies! Thanks for the link.
Birdydownunder said…
these little cuties are popping up all over blogland, just like bunnies do. And everyone is different. Love your borders.
Val said…
I love this. Thanks for sharing.

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