Proud Nanna

Here I am - the proud Nanna


Birdydownunder said…
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Birdydownunder said…
beautiful, congratulations to all AUBIRDWOMAN
Sue said…
She's lovely, I'm so glad that everything went well. Congratulations to all concerned.
Nicole & Phil said…
Congratulations on becoming a Nanna! I am glad to hear all we nt well, and she arrived safely! I hope she will love her quilts from her Nanna, and will want to learn how to quilt when she is a bit older!
Lynette said…
Thank the Lord for the safe arrival of a future quilter. She is beautiful.
Tracy said…
Congratulations! She's beautiful :) And too mum and family too! There can never be too many quilters! Unless they are after the fabric I want :)

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