Saturday 17th February 2007
Well here Im am finally starting my very own blog.
I've read so many others that people have created so thought I would "try" and have a go.
I do hope someone will join me on my


Birdydownunder said…
I'm in on your journey Blessed, hope we have fun.....hOps
Lynette said…
Count me in on your journey.... Lynette Gin Gin Qld.
mazaquilt said…
You'll have lots of fun. It's a great learning curve.
GailO said…
Hi Di

I too am in on your journey. I shall add your blog to my "Favourites" and check in every couple of days.

Best wishes
Jenny said…
looking forward to reading journey through life will add to my favourites.
Waiting for photos!!
Nicole & Phil said…
when you create a post,in the tool box, there is a "picture", click on that, and then it will bring another box where you can add your photos from your computer. Blogger is very simple to is just a matter of practice...the help pages are very good too!
Good luck!
also, when people comment, theie names will come up in blue, you can click on the name, and it will lead you to their blog!
Nicole, Berlin, Germany
catsmum said…
welcome to the wide world of blogdom sweety :]
now you'll have to join the scq Blogring!!!
aykayem said…
I'm here ...
... not sure where we are supposed to end up, but I have found the journey to be fun so far ;-)
(even if I am probably staggering around in circles in the dark and going nowhere fast ... LOL)
(disorganised in Dunlop)
Suzy said…
Welcome to Blogland! Look forward to joining you on your journey.
Di said…
Hi Di, I hope you enjoy this wonderful adventure that is blogging.


Di Jobbins
Helen said…
Welcome to blogging. Have fun - I'm addicted.
Sue said…
Hi Di, I'll hop on the bandwagon and enjoy your journey with you. Look forward to seeing some pictures when you master the art.
Sue M

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