cross stitch - yes I can!

I think this project Ive finished deserves a blog post of its own! Ive never really done a cross stitch project and have had the chart and floss for this sitting for ages waiting me to be brave enough to do it. In 2023 Im wanting to challenge myself to have a go at new things so ..............My sister in law does a lot of cross stitch so I asked her how to start off and I got going - and it was addictive! I so love the idea of starting from a completely blank piece of aida cloth and ending up with this result! Im going to frame it and hang it with pride The pattern is Flea Market Flowers by Lori Holt and for a newbie it was really easy to do. Probably if I did it again Id copy the chart and make the squares a bit easier to read by making it larger but I got by. Am I happy - too right!