You are not alone

Times are tough as a dairy farmer at the moment. Its wet. Its muddy. Milk price is low and confidence is understandably low as well. Its hard going getting out of bed each morning wondering what the day will bring - what disaster will come upon us to challenge us even more and do we really want to keep going. I am usually a positive person, but of late Ive been really challenged. Thankfully Gary is positive and believes there is a future - it would be horrible if both of us were struggling at the same time. This morning I went to check the calving cows and even struggled to walk into the paddock - but I found new life and it was cute! This brought me to thinking , we recently attended a dairy meeting and met other farmers there. We got talking (as you do) and were asked - is it hard for you? How are you dealing with the mud? And the rain? How are your cows producing? How are you keeping going? And our answers - we are not! Well we are, but i...