
Showing posts from October, 2024

2024 - September 23 - October 6

Whoops! I forgot to do a blog post last week - did you miss me LOL Ive therefore got plenty to show you and to talk about, but firstly on the farm, weve been busy making silage and have one cow left to calve! Everywhere else seems to be getting good rain unfortunatley we have not- thank the Lord for irrigation! Excitingly Aimee and I got to the the Pharoah exhibiton at the National Gallery in Melbourne! Words cannot describe how amazing it was - to be able to see these ancient artificats is something I never thought I would do - yes still want to go to Egypt......................... So onto what Ive finished over the last two weeks - I finished a pair of socks - the pattern is String of Lights and I used some gorgeous yarn from Natural Fibre Arts And a hat with yarn that has been in my stash forever and Ive gone to gift/sell it many times but havent Its The verdant gryphon codex and the pattern is classic ribbed hat I also finished the mini quilt which I started a week or two ago!