Goodbye 2017 hello 2018

Well 2017 and done and dusted - and I must admit Im glad! It was a year that challenged me greatly - nearly everything I believed in or had fought hard for was changed or taken away from me. But you know what - I think its made me a better person because of it. And you also know what else? Theres nothing I can do to change what happened in 2017 - its gone, done, its history. But 2018 is a different story - I can do something about that! And Im choosing to take my learnings from 2017 into 2018. My "word" that I am going to focus on is Content I am going to be content with what I have and not complain about what I dont have I am going to finish a lot of stuff that Ive started - and If I no longer feel joy in completing it or participating in it - Ill move it along I am going to spend time on me! I started today a 6 week online challenge for busy women which focuses on well-being. I am going to journal going to learn how to journal! I am going to spend more time w...