Dont find a fault find a remedy

I have recently come across this quote from Henry Ford - and I think it is extremely appropriate at the present time in the Australian Dairy industry. I believe we are at the cross roads as dairy producers and how we interact with and perceive the processors that we supply milk to. Many many dairy farmers are angry (and rightly so) at the drop in milk prices which has recently affected us, as well as the claw back conditions attached to this. We supply Murray Goulburn so our pay back is called Milk Supplier Support Package and results in us having a reduced milk price for the next 3 years until our overpayment has been recovered. No this is not good, but it is a lot better than some dairy farmers who supply other milk companies - our debt is not a personal debt but a co-operative one and is not applied to individual balance sheets as is happening to many. However back to the above quote - its all very well and good to be angry and cheesed off and feel like you need ...