
2024 - September 23 - October 6

Whoops! I forgot to do a blog post last week - did you miss me LOL Ive therefore got plenty to show you and to talk about, but firstly on the farm, weve been busy making silage and have one cow left to calve! Everywhere else seems to be getting good rain unfortunatley we have not- thank the Lord for irrigation! Excitingly Aimee and I got to the the Pharoah exhibiton at the National Gallery in Melbourne! Words cannot describe how amazing it was - to be able to see these ancient artificats is something I never thought I would do - yes still want to go to Egypt......................... So onto what Ive finished over the last two weeks - I finished a pair of socks - the pattern is String of Lights and I used some gorgeous yarn from Natural Fibre Arts And a hat with yarn that has been in my stash forever and Ive gone to gift/sell it many times but havent Its The verdant gryphon codex and the pattern is classic ribbed hat I also finished the mini quilt which I started a week or two ago!

2024 - September 16 - September 22

Cold cold mornings, super wind days quite often but occasionally a bit of sunshine! Almost 4 seasons in one day - but we cant seem to be able to attract any rain (which we wouldnt mind, thank you very much) The days seem to roll one day into the next and to be honest some days I dont know what ive done all day - but im sure Ive done something Oddly, this weeks finishes are sort of a bit about mum Firstly and embroidery that I was going to make for mum to hang in her room - sadly she didnt get to enjoy it and Im sure she would have loved it Its another kit from Clever Poppy - and I love her designs, so simple but really effective And on the reading front I finished a book, that Aimees dr (who is someone I made friends with on one of the consumer advisorys I was on) leant to me to read. To be honest when I first saw it I thought this is definately not for me, but I bravely started reading it and I really enjoyed it. Its written by a palliative care doctor who tells the story of many

2024 - September 9 - September 15

Weve had some super cold mornings the last few days, I think Winter is trying to have a last go! It was 1.2 degrees this morning but feels like minus 2.5 the wind was bitter We have also had some nice sunny days as well which has been nice - however the wood heater is still going as its so nice in the mornings to stand in front of it and get warm! Hope you are keeping warm and cosy too! I dont have any finishes to show you but I thought Id show you a few things in process that I have been working on Firstly the beach walk blanket which I am crocheting - each little block is pretty quick to make but I feel like it takes twice as long to weave in the ends Theres still lots of rounds and blocks to go but I am enjoying it and try to do a bit on it each week ! Ive also been working on the Out on the Patio quilt and am doing things a little differently than I usually do - Im making all the "parts" first ready to join them into blocks and Im quite enjoying doing it this way. I o

2024 - September 2 - September 8

As the months fly by its now September! Weve had a few warmish days but also some cool ones (particularly in the mornings) and wind! Gosh its been windy - which is not good for the paddocks as it dries everything out and also not good for hay fever - theres been a bit of sneezing going on too. Calving continues along and we have a problem weve never had before - too many heifer calves! We very successfully used sexed semen and already have over 50 heifers in the first few weeks. So amazingly we are now selling any more that are born as we just dont need them. Ridiculous! Also amazingly Ive finished some things! Firstly, you might recall I made Ollie (Sarahs cute bub in queensland) a blue and white jumper and hat when he was first born. Sarah has loved him in it so much, she asked me to make him another set but in the bigger size - who am I to say no! Ive also finished a quilt! Ive been getting the monthly sampler box from the Fat Quarter Shop in America. After chatting with some

2024 - August 26 - September 1

And just like that its the start of September - how on earth did that happen! Once again I dont have any finishes to show you - but I have a lot that are awfully close so maybe next week! I know Ive told you about the calves that have been born - but have I bragged about finally getting a red and white polled (no horns!!!) calf - this has been my dream for so long and this season weve managed to breed two This is amber - isnt she cute? and there is also ruby On the reading front I finally finished the physical book Ive been struggling with - The Vanished Days by Susanna Kearsley I had a very interesting relationship with this book I started three times and the first two times I really didnt enjoy it I leant it to a friend who said she loved it and I had a reassess - I really should like it - I usually really enjoy this author, its about scotland and in the late 1600s which I also really enjoy so I really couldn't work out the problem Anyways third time is the charm! I pushed thr

2024 - August 19 - August 25

Well the weather isnt quite as cold as it has been - and we have so very many heifers calves in the shed! Almost at capactiy and only after two weeks - its been super crazy! The continuation of not finishing is continuing - but to be fair Im working on a few long and complicated projects - one of which is the beach walk blanket. Its crochet and not what I usually do but I fell in love with the pattern and got a kit for all the yarn. Im probably only 15-20% through it and not loving all the ends to be sewn in but being very disciplined about doing that as Ive been warned by other who have made it Heres a progress pic - and reminder there is A Lot to go! I did finish another audio book - the second in the time police series by Jodi Taylor - Hard Time. Once again Im glad Im re-listening to this series - Id forgotten how good it is. Several times while listening Ive laughed out loud! It conintues the story of Matthew, Luke and Jane as they navigate their way as trainee time police off

2024 - August 12 - August 18

Again not a lot of finising to report - just an audio book! So a new time police book has been released (its part of the Chroniciles of St Marys books that I love) by Jodie Taylor. I started to listen to it but found I couldnt remember the backstory to it so Ive started listening (via audible) to that series again. Book 1 is Doing Time and sets up the adventures of Matthew , Jane and Luke as trainees in the Time Police. Their job is to make sure that the time line is kept correctly and to "police" those who mess with it. In true fashion all does not go according to plan and there are plenty of times when listening to this that I laughed out loud. Jodi Taylor is such an excellent writer and of course its 5 out of 5 stars for me!